Monday, February 15, 2010

Food Breakthrough!!!!

I tried regular brown rice yesterday for dinner, and I haven't had any reactions as of late. I'm not counting my chickens until I try it again on Wednesday. I'd hate to have the same experience that I did with peanuts (I had peanuts and didn't have a reaction, then I had them a week later and didn't feel so hot). But this could potentially open up a wealth of gluten free recipes that usually contain some form of rice flour.

[This is Katherine trying very hard not to get too excited] WHOPPIEEE!!!! Um...ahem...I mean...I'm not holding my breath or crossing my fingers.....


  1. Katherine! I just looked back and scoped out all of your old blogs. Thanks so much for the recipe one!!! I had no idea about coconut flour. Totally going to the store TODAY and buying a ton. (But not using a ton. ;)

    It sounds like you are in the middle of an elimination diet. Good luck with it. One thing I discovered, with IBS, is that I can handle some foods sometimes and not other times. Hummus is one. Garlic is another. I've started thinking, like REALLY HARD, before I make a meal, and focusing on how my stomach feels... I ask myself, can I handle carbs right now? Can I do greens? Slowing down and thinking before eating helps A LOT.

    Brown rice is my NUMBER ONE go to food whenever things aren't going right. I think it's one of the most easily digestible foods on the planet - so you should be okay there.

    GOOD LUCK! I hope you find the answers you are looking for!

  2. I'm glad you found a recipe you'd like to try and a new food to boot! Yeah, we'll see about the rice. I really don't want to be disappointed. But you're right, I should definately try the rice again when I'm feeling great, so if that day is not Wednesday, then I'll push it off until I'm ready again. But you remind me...I should blog about elimination diets in general sometime. I take it for granted that people know what things like "rotation diets," "migraine thresholds," and other allergy/health theories are about. Thanks for the luck! Good luck with your bean theory. ;)


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