Monday, April 8, 2013

Cook: Herb Time!

It's spring time and our herb garden is getting bigger! Specifically our rosemary bush is out of control and we need to do some trimming. A few people have asked me what we do with our herbs, so below are few options.


1. Use 'em Fresh

Directions: Wash with warm water and add to current meal. Duh! :)

Note: We grab fresh rosemary quite often to spice up omelets and other family meals. Just remember to use a little more fresh rosemary (or other herb) than if you were using the dried version.


2. Refrigerate 'em

Directions: cut sprigs, wash them in warm water, place cut ends in a cup of water (like flowers), and bag the top (sandwich bag will do)

Note: I haven't tried this method, but I hear it works really well. Your herbs should last around a week to two weeks this way. 


3. Freeze 'em

Directions: Wash in warm water, pluck leaves from stems, and bag tightly in the freezer.

Note: I've used a similar process with ginger and orange/lime zest. Just don't forget to label your bags!


4. Dry 'em

Directions: Wash in warm water, pat down dry, tie in bunches with string, and hang upside down for 4 weeks.

Note: I love drying herbs because it makes the house smell wonderful! The only draw back is the time it takes to dry the herbs and it's a little time consuming to remove the leaves if you've got big bundles. Be sure to store your dried herbs in a cool dry place (an old spice container or jar will do the trick!

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