Thursday, September 22, 2011

Allergic to Sitting Must Sit

My right foot after two weeks of sitting, limited biking, and one run. Those aren't varicose veins.
Running is my drug.

[Cue the Ke$ha music "Your love, your love, your love, is my drug..."]

How have I come to realize this?

For the past two and a half weeks, I've been forced to sit for long periods of time in my recliner with my foot propped up on a pillow and a bag of frozen spinach wrapped around my ankle. I've regretfully watched my husband leave out the front door with his Asics, Kaiya, and blinky light, night after night. I've had to stare into the eyes of a panicked border collie as he realizes that he won't be able to pull me like a tow truck along the road, but instead made to retrieve tennis balls 60 times in a row. I've been sidelined during two races (and now a third this weekend) with the great "honor" of filming family members as they huff and puff their way to glory, half of a banana, and a paper cup of Gatorade. I've been forced to stop running (temporarily) because of a sprained ankle.

For almost four and a half years, I've made it my duty and my pleasure to run at least three times a week. Colds, stomach viruses, post-marathon slumps, traveling, tornado alerts, weddings (morning of even), nothing keeps me down for more than about 5 days. It is my attitude adjustment, my flu shot, my counselor, my reprieve from boredom, my group workout, my alone time, my allergy medication, my vacation, my itch that needs to be scratched, my time in the sun, my rainy day activity. It's who I am! Not everything, but a whole darn bunch.

Everything became a chore after the sprain. I started scooting around on an office chair around the house. Simple tasks like getting dressed, cooking, driving, going to the bathroom, taking a shower (and shaving, legs not face), became time consuming and overly complicated. My poor husband's to-do list was doubled (if not tripled). When I finally got crutches, my puny arms hurt and reminded me how much I like using leg muscles versus arms. And the random headaches and itchy eyes of pre-running Katherine, they came back with a vengeance.

But there's good news! No, I haven't saved 10% or more on car insurance.

I'm baaaakk!!! Whoohoo hoo haa ha ha ha.

It's been two weeks and one day since I haven't gone for a jog. Yes, this sounds ridiculous even to me. Like, "two weeks off of running." That's nothing. But it means a lot to me. Yesterday was my first jaunt after work. I ran one mile in 11 minutes and 4 seconds and then I biked for another 30 minutes. I felt like a had a pillow for a right foot (didn't seem to react like I wanted) during the run. Also, during the first 400 meters, I probably looked a little gimpy. It's a start though, and I'm so happy! I'm ready to get off of bike!

Here's to all of you who have a love affair with your exercise routine or want to and are struggling with health problems and time crunches. Keep it up! Like Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Thanks, Kevin, for the great insight and for listening to me complain. Thanks to my other family members for their thoughts and prayers. I know I'm insanely single minded in my exercise and I hope I'm not too much of a hindrance. I'm kind of hoping everyone I know joins me on my trip to the "funny farm" and visits on a regular basis.
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