Friday, August 26, 2011

Herbs and Drought

Smells good!

Want to start an herb garden, but it hasn't rained in years because of some Nino person that they keep mentioning on the news (who is this Nino person and how do you type the Spanish "n" on Blogger)? Well, your in luck! Rosemary is the right plant for you. If you plant it in the shade, and it will stretch towards the sun even in 109 degrees. It loves sun! Don't plan it in the shade!

Recently, we had to clip tons of branches off so that our sprinkler system would reach the grass on the other side of our rosemary bush. Now we're learning how to dry herbs. I read an article online that says I just need to rinse off the branches, tie them up in small bundles like you would if you were trying to dry flowers, and hang them upside down in a cool dry place for 4 weeks. It's been almost a week so far and I'm thinking we'll end up with a boat load of the herb when it's all done. I many have found my retirement job. :)

Other herbs that have been taking the heat in our yard have been our chives (as long as it's mostly in shade)...
That ain't grass, so keep your dogs off.

and our sage.
Soft, velvety leaves. Mmm...

Our oregano is looking pretty sad and our garlic bit the dust sometime in July. But rosemary is boppin.' We love adding rosemary to our eggs, stir fry dishes, homemade spaghetti sauces, baked turkey, baked chicken, and Italian dishes. It's tasty, and it's relatively cheap seasoning from the garden. These herbs are also a great way to stay away from the more processed, high calorie, and allergy prone sauces and marinades found at your local grocery store. And most wildlife don't like to eat them. They're strong!

So, try some today!

***This has been a paid advertisement by the "Nino person."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

5K Tour de Texas

This September marks the return of Kevin and Katherine to the racing scene after a much needed hiatus from marathon training. Please, if you come, take pictures only before and after the races, otherwise the flashes might distract us from our task at hand. If you bring flowers, make them be pink and odoriferous. Clap only when we're done. By the end of the season will be selling autographed sweat bands (sweat included) and snotty Kleenexes (snot included) to raise money for allergic to sitting research, which may or may not go to a down payment on a cabin in the mountains. Please give freely. :)

Races currently scheduled to be attended (by us) are as follows:

More than likely there will be t-shirts aplenty, medals to be won (not necessarily by us), and Gatorade to be had.

In the meantime, I'd like to share the following Haiku in honor of my former Slam Poetry days (which a friend reminded me of recently on Facebook). Not that I ever read aloud, or was very good at poetry, but I was very inspired by those who did and were.

Gut Rot

Piff on you, you milk
From cows that turns to gut rot
Goat milk is my friend
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