Friday, February 26, 2010

Allergy or Intolerance? That is the Question.

It looks like MSN took down the article that talked about allergies versus intolerances, so I’ve found another article on MSN that demonstrates what I wanted to talk about two bloggings ago. So why comment on either articles? Let’s compare this article’s descriptions of allergies and intolerances with my experiences with disagreeable food.

Food Allergy Symptoms
  • Hives
  • Swollen tongues or lips
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Death
  • Quick reaction
  • Small amounts of food trigger reactions
  • No cure

Food Intolerance Symptoms
  • Cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Rashes
  • Asthma attacks
  • Not life-threatening
  • Small amounts of intolerable food can be tolerated
  • Curable

Katherine’s Symptoms

  • Red face
  • Runny nose
  • Swelling nasal cavity (nasal headaches)
  • Migraines
  • Digestive issues
  • Rash
  • Quick reactions and slow depending on the food
  • Some problem food can be tolerated some can’t
  • Don’t have problems with lactose in goat milk or problems with beans

It’s articles like these that make me just shake my head. Where do I stand? I’ve got symptoms that fall in both categories and symptoms that don’t fall in either. Food problems, call them intolerances or allergies, are way more complicated than what this brief article suggests. They seem to be catering only two groups of people: (a) people who either have extreme reactions (ie. get me to the hospital before I stop breathing because my face now resembles something akin to Suffleupagus) or (b) people who can get a quick fix (ie. I’ll just pop a Beano and a Lactaid and horse down a plateful of refried beans and Ben and Jerry’s). I’m not in either of these categories.

So what do I do?

Move on. Doctors don’t know everything about the human body. Science is not exact and perfect. I take solace in the fact that only God knows how and why we are the way we are and maybe we can ask him a few questions once we see him. As for right now, I try to relax, eat a slice of GF Bread From Anna, drink a cup of soy milk, take a 3 mile run (after fully digesting said meal of course), and then watch some Little House on the Prairie (season 5 I believe). I do what makes me feel good, health-wise, and every once in a while, I try a new food, theory, or exercise to broaden my horizon.

By the way, I’ve confirmed that I’m good with rice.


  1. HEY!!! This is a great list. Do you know I have been referring to myself as having a gluten allergy for SO LONG. I did that just because I didn't want to get my symptoms confused with celiac, which I don't have. But according to your list, I am intolerant of gluten. Thanks!!!

    Speaking of gluten, have you been tested for celiac? Other food bloggers I follow with digestive issues have given up corn and soy as well. That seems to help.

    It's a shame that quitting dairy hasn't helped your sinus issues. That works for so many people. I'd love to hear exactly what you are or aren't eating right now. Not like I can make a diagnosis or anything... I'm just really nosy! :)

    Hope you start to feel better soon. :)

  2. ooooooh I just saw your list on the side!!! Did you know that canola oil is most often made from soy??? Hmmm... I wonder if it's a soy thing.

  3. Have you been to see an allergist? Some RAST testing might give you some more concrete information to work with, such as whether it is gluten or wheat protein itself that triggers your symptoms. My son is deathly allergic to peanuts and shellfish, but has an egg yolk allergy that is mild enough that he was able to tolerate flu shots this year. The rest of his food allergies fall somewhere in the middle, so your wide range of symptoms might not be such a mystery.

    It sounds like you have a very good handle on managing your allergies. (And you draw the cutest diagrams ever!) I admit I lean on the doctors pretty hard, since I need all the documentation I can get to navigate the school system. Good luck, and I'll keep an eye on your, um, eliminations.

  4. Hey Farty Girl and Libby! Let me see if I can answer y'alls questions. I haven't been tested for allergies since I was a kid (I tested positive for egg, corn, and milk at the time, but that's all they tested for, I believe). I've been relying on elimination diets to tell me whether or not food likes me, so that doesn't necessarily tell me "allergy" or "intolerance" for current foods on my “no-no” list. I don't actually have any allergy symptoms currently because I avoid all of the problematic foods to the right. If I stay on my diet and exercise regularly, the only headaches I get come with the monthly bill and those have started to disappear due to the exercise. Good questions about the canola and gluten/wheat protein. In the past couple week's I've actually added canola back into my diet as well. So, soy and canola don't seem to be problematic (unless I have humungisimo boatloads (ie 5 all-soy muffins) and then my stomach seems to resemble that of a beached whale). I actually looked up canola, and it seems to be a product of the rapeseed (, but what I did notice, like you had mentioned, Farty Girl, on my hunt for some allergy-free French fries this weekend, is that soy oil is often used in conjunction with canola oil in a lot of ready-made food. You should have seen the list that was on the boxes of ingredients at Wienerschnitzel and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Libby, I tried adding wheat back to my diet about a year ago by first trying organic wheat flour then organic white flour. I did notice that I got a longer lasting, fast acting headache when I ate the white flour as opposed to the whole wheat (although reactions to both were quite unappealing so I leave all forms of wheat alone). If I ever do go back to an allergist, which there is a good chance now that I’m working full-time with health insurance, I’ll be sure to get tested for both of your suggestions, Libby. Glad you like my drawings!

  5. Thanks for finding out about that soy/canola thing... I don't know where I heard that they were one in the same. :)

    Either way, it's SO good to know I won't be ingesting soy with my canola. :) And it's good to hear you are feeling better!

  6. I know what you mean, Farty girl. For the longest time, I was under the impression that regular distilled vinegar was made from grapes, but then I added grapes in to my diet and was like, huh???? Then I researched vinegar and realized that it's made from malted barley. Crazy...I still need to try vinegar again some day soon.


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