Thursday, March 25, 2010

Being Kent. Being Kaiya.

When I exercise, sometimes I’m like Kent (pictured left).

I want to just get out there and get the job done. I’m on a mission. When I run, I’ve got my face and eyes forward, no sniffing or looking around (at lost gloves and socks on the ground), and I’ve got lot’s of drive (pulling). I don’t want to listen to music. I want to go fast (fast as I can!). I’ve got my eye on the ball, soccer ball in his case, and I have a purpose. Obviously, I don’t herd soccer balls like Kent, but I can have the same stubbornness and determination, sometimes.

And then sometimes I’m like Kaiya (pictured right).

When Kaiya’s on a run, she’s sniffing everything and quite often stops for interesting finds, like lost gloves. They’re tasty. When I’m like her, I’m not concerned about speed, although I know I want to run and play. I like distractions, although I’ll pass on the gloves. I want to listen to music. I want to go at my own pace. I want to experience lots of cool things on the run. Kaiya loves to be in new places and meet new people. Kaiya’s mission: lick as many people as possible. Like her, I want to go on new routes. I like people on the run. I like saying hello to strangers and I like other people running with me. Kaiya likes to chase balls, run, pull the rope, chew, chase, run away. I too want to do a variety of things like biking, swimming, step class, boot camp, long walks, weight lifting, ping pong, crunches, and running, for short periods of time, rather than one thing for forever.

So what was yesterday?

Yesterday was officially a Kaiya day! I've been having a lot lately.

Pizza Everyday! Whahoo!

Like I mentioned to The Allergic Kid, I would have eaten pizza every day when I was a kid if given the choice (thanks mom for stopping me and for also limiting my Mac-n-Cheese intake!). Although I’ve learned a little--a little I tell you--self restraint and don’t need pizza every day, pizza is still a good carb to have before a long exercise. I haven’t yet perfected my crust and I’m tempted to try The Daily Dietribe’s version next. But for now, I’ve been following the recipe below. The crust doesn’t have that chewy hold-together-nicely consistency of regular wheat flour. When I store the pizza, I have to pile them on top of a plate gently and then bag it, rather than just bag it. However the toppings are what I have perfected. I LOVE lots of onions and Brussels sprouts.

Gluten Free, Egg Free, Yeast Free, Cow-Milk Free Pizza Crust

  • 1 1/3 cups Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp your choice of oil
  • 1 1/2 cups water (or milk substitute).
  • 1 tsp of McCormick’s no salt Italian Spice mix (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp of onion or garlic powder


  • Cooked sliced Brussels sprouts
  • Ground turkey or beef
  • Diced bell peppers
  • Chopped Onions (lots; the more the merrier)
  • Grated Goat Cheese of choice (added to only half of the pizza so that I don’t eat cheese too often the week following)
  • Diced Zucchini or Yellow Squash
  • Hunt’s Tomato Sauce: Basil, Garlic, and Oregano 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread onto a large, oiled pizza pan (preferably with vent holes). Add the sauce. Add the toppings. Bake for 20-25 minutes.


  1. Congrats on your hard work! I know you say you've had a rough week. But you've kept at it! That's commendable.

    Now - the pizza. I could eat pizza every day. I have. And never gotten sick of it. This recipe. Does it need one of those gigantic dough rolling machines to make? Or can you just mix it in a bowl and put it on the pan?

    Iris' pizza looked GOOD. Let me know if you try it! Btw. LOVE your topping choices!

  2. Hey Farty Girl! This pizza recipe doesn't call for a special mixing machine. Just a bowl and a spoon should do it. The batter tends to be a little bit more wet than your regular wheat version, but I think Bob's GF flour needs more liquid in order to fully expand. But you might need to find a pizza pan that has really tiny holes (so it doesn't slip through) or one without holes. You can put in less water or milk sub, but the crust might not rise as much and and it'll be dense. I'll let you know if I try Iri's pizza sometime soon. I just purchased a mix recently that I think I'll try first. I haven't been able to try the pizza mixes before now because most of them have rice. Thanks for the comment!


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