Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cars, snakes, and Kent. Oh my!

Went fishing again. Won't bore you with the details of the hunt, but needless to say we started out in the reeds and left rather quickly because, to the right of our kayak about 5 yards away, out popped a nice sized water moccasin. Hello! Not that much later after we high-tailed it to more open water, I spotted a big fat spider getting ready to crawl on my leg. I yelped in horror while Kevin pulled anchor and started pattling away thinking I had spotted another snake. Nope! Sorry Kevin, just a flesh-eating spider. Then the bees seemed to be really attracted to the bright colors on our life vests and the kayak. That was another tense moment. But I caught a 8 inch channel catfish. Yeah! Too small, so we threw it back. It needed to go back to school. Get it? Ha! Yeah...And then we lost our lure while Kevin was switching them around. Boo!

So after hour Power Hour class on Tuesday, Kevin and I left the parking lot in our separate cars. I made it home, Kevin didn't. I thought, hmm maybe he bumped into a student on the way or went back to his office? Wrong! Kevin called me at home. His car won't start and he thinks it's the battery because the positive connection is super corroded and might not be charging the battery properly. So I drive back to the parking lot. We decide we need to move his car backwards into the slot behind him so that I can bring my car around front. So we put it in neutral and we're rocking the car back and forward, back and forward and then get it moving off of the curb. Then we stop it and I go around the side to get in and steer. Noticed the car is locked. All keys are in said car. Right.... So we let the car roll back into position, call Pop-a-Lock, waste $30, then finally push the car into the right position. But does my car start his? Nope. So we call campus police and they come by with their battery jump start thing-a-ma-gig and we finally get it going. Rough day! But good thing we're in shape to push, we made it home, and we're were safe. Thank the Lord!

So I went on my first run of the week on Wednesday night with little "Clarp Kent." Decided to let him go as fast as he wanted for 2 miles. Well, that was fast indeed! Ran around a 9:27 pace. That's closer to my short distance race pace. He ran out of poop though towards then end and kept trying to take short cuts. I'd tell him, "come on Kent, you can do it, let's go, let's go." Then he'd reach down deep and pick up the pace again. Cute as all get out (not convinced, click on the pic to enlarge). Love it when he looks at me while running, like "Mom, this is fun!"

Thus endeth the week of extremes (so far).

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