Thursday, April 1, 2010

What Melts in your Mouth and Your Hand?

This past week was pretty eventful in terms of adding new foods to my diet. First of all, Kevin and I were looking in the baking section at Wal-mart and came across a bag of this.

So then I tried a single serving without anything else, and didn’t have a reaction. This is definitely another whahoo! moment. I mean, I love carob as a chocolate substitute, but it’s got a pretty powerful aftertaste and it doesn’t quite bake the same. But since the chocolate pieces did okay in my system by themselves, I decided to make a batch of these wonderful Gluten-free, milk free chocolate chip cookies.

I used Bob’s recipe, but I substituted vegetable oil (soy) for the butter, and I left out the xanthan gum and the walnuts.

Boy were they good! I haven’t had a chocolate chip cookie since…maybe middle school. That’s about 12 years ago at least. I had some more today. Yummy in the tummy! Having a little celebration dance right now (very close to the “sprinkler”). Very excited.

But wait! There’s more!

Kevin and I also found these products at the store.

So far, I’ve tried the salad dressing, which was quite yummy, but I need to go easy on it since it’s got some MSG. I also tried the Parkay, which I used to eat all the time growing up because my mom noticed that it’s the only non-dairy butter-like substance available in most grocery stores. Parkay brings back memories when my mom would boil up several pounds of fresh shrimp, cook some white rice, and broccoli, and then I’d add lots of Parkay and Ketchup, and…oh…so tasty. I’ve heard about other non-dairy butter-like substitutes, but I haven’t actually seen them. Have you? Do they have any that don’t have olive oil?

Kevin and I also tried our hand at carpentry again and made this.

I obviously did a lot of “holding.” I’m a designated holder, a job passed down through generations. I’m a third-generation German bowler and a multigenerational “holder.” I’m quite proud.

Also I received an award this past week from Farty Girl. Thanks girl!

Here’s how it works:

1. When you receive this award, please thank the person who gave it to you in a new post.
2. Name 10 things that make you happy.
3. Pass the award onto ten other bloggers and inform the winners.

So here goes:

One: Thanks again Farty Girl!

Two: “Here are a few of my favorite things” that make me happy:
  1. Jesus
  2. My husband, my mom and dad, and everyone else in my family including little Kaiya and Kent
  3. Helping people
  4. Playing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Dr. Mario, and other similarly addicting video games that Kevin’s introduced me too.
  5. Remembering the goofy mundane things that Lindsey, Lisa, and I used to do as kids (ie: music-video-making, hair-dying, movie-watching, and TGI Friday’s-eating good times).
  6. Reading
  7. Texas
  8. Angel Fire, NM
  9. Working out
  10. Spring and Fall weather
Three: I’m about to break a rule. Since I’m a new allergy food blogger, and a new allergy food blogger reader (whoo! That’s mouthful), I’m still feeling my way around and falling in love with people’s blogs. Like everyone else, I usually find blogs to love through the blogs I already read, like Farty Girl’s, one at a time. Farty Girl has already named the blogs I usually follow (plus some new ones I haven’t followed), so that makes my blog roll pretty small.

So, I say this award goes to every blogger (and non-blogger) out there who reads this blog, especially you, Farty Girl. I doubt there’s more than ten people out there, so I can say, truly, that I’m not cheating. Congrats to you, reader, you make me happy! Just comment on my blog and accept your award. Yeah you!

Hmm… I may regret this if I get like 50 comments (highly unlikely). If so, I apologize to who ever created this award originally, if you want it back, please take it.

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